Celebrate Birth! 5 Week Series
You will learn practical gems of wisdom that will see you through the days of your pregnancy and early parenting. You will discover the patterns and rhythms of childbirth that will nurture confidence and your ability to think, speak, and act purposefully during this important time.
Unless otherwise noted; all of our group classes are being held virtually!
Class Details
Celebrate Birth! 5-week series offers a way to prepare for birth that brings together new and traditional wisdom, your own life experiences, and your inner strength and abilities.
You will learn practical gems of wisdom that will see you through the days of your pregnancy and early parenting. And, you will discover the patterns and rhythms of childbirth that will nurture confidence and your ability to think, speak, and act purposefully during this important time.
Everyone has experienced doubt, insecurity, and uncertainty during pregnancy, labor, birth and breastfeeding—that’s normal. In this class, we will help you recognize normal patterns in pregnancy and labor and the common pitfalls that can steer you off course. Celebrate Birth! will help you tap into your inner strengths and wisdom so you can make decisions in a conscious, grounded way for you and your baby.
Birth partners are highly encouraged to participate in this class. You will learn the patterns and rhythms of birth, which will help you follow cues from the laboring person and support them during labor.
Class size is intentionally small—under 10 families—so that there is plenty of time for questions and community building with parents-to-be.
What to expect in the Celebrate Birth! 5-week series – The Series covers:
- Understanding Prenatal Care
- Stages of Labor & Pushing
- Recognizing Labor Patterns
- Comfort Measures for Labor
- Understanding ‘Normal’ and Complications
- Working with Your Doctor or Midwife: Advocacy Issues and Birth Plans
The 5-week series meets virtually one evening/week for 5 consecutive weeks, 6:30-8:30pm. Cost is $350 per Couple.
Class Instructor
Mary (she/her) is the instructor of our Celebrate Birth! classes. She is a Certified Professional Midwife and holds a Master’s degree in Public Service from DePaul University. Mary has many years of experience and the wisdom that comes from witnessing more than 1800 deliveries over the past 35 years. Early in her career, Mary co-founded Chicago Community Midwives, a not-for-profit homebirth service. Mary has since worked as a midwife, doula, and lactation consultant for various private practices in the Chicago area, and has co-directed several nurse-midwifery practices, including the first free standing birth center in Illinois.