Breastfeeding Gear

Nursing “Gear” Updated 11/17/20 If you’ve got a baby on the way, you are likely contributing to our economy with lots of ‘consumer activity’ aka ‘shopping’.   If you’re hoping to save some resources for, say, college, or maybe even to support your breastfeeding goals with the right professional support (like a postpartum doula or lactation…

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Soaring to new places: the extreme sport of childbirth preparation

Signing up for and arriving at your first childbirth preparation class is often a significant “this is really happening” moment.  You’re reminded that the fetus that is kicking you and pushing against your ribs and bladder will actually want to come out of your body and that this will require a bit of coordinated effort…

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“Expecting” and Beginner’s Mind

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” – Suzuki Roshi When you have a baby on the way, you inevitably put a fair amount of energy into planning, anticipating and preparing for what to ‘expect’.  We help families both become informed but also, encourage some confidence in all…

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