The Science of Hormones in Labor and Postpartum

As hopeful, expectant, birthing and parenting people, all the uncertainty and unknown around conception, childbirth and the postpartum year can often feel overwhelming at times. To simplify some of the congestion, we can look to evidence based information to inform our choices. We can turn to findings from neurobiology and endocrinology, the study of our…

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3 Steps to Address Common Fears of The Birth Partner

3 Steps to Address Common Fears of The Birth Partner Birthways

Contributed by Birthways Doulas As the partner to an expectant person, you are having your own experiences of pregnancy, preparation, birth and early parenting. While the focus during this time of growing your family is typically on the expectant person, it is very common for the partner to have their own questions, concerns, worries or…

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Understanding Why Childbirth Classes Can Be Stressful

Birthways Chicago

Registering and then attending your first childbirth preparation class is often a significant, “this is really happening” moment. You’re reminded that the fetus that is kicking you and pushing against your ribs and bladder will actually want to come out of your body and that this will require a bit of coordinated effort. Partners are…

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4 reality checks when creating a birth plan

Birthways Chicago

Preparing for Birth It’s been over 25 years since I began working in maternity care advocacy and I’ve seen significant change including an increased awareness of choices, growth within health care systems, resistance within health care systems, and meaningful initiatives such as the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative. Some take hold while others come and go.…

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Planning a Cesarean Birth? 6 Tips and 5 Ways a Doula Can Help.

There is a growing body of research indicating that support from a labor doula is one of the most effective ways to reduce the likelihood of a cesarean delivery1. And it’s becoming more common to have a labor support doula for those seeking an unmedicated birth. But what if you are planning for a Cesarean…

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Soaring to new places: the extreme sport of childbirth preparation

Signing up for and arriving at your first childbirth preparation class is often a significant “this is really happening” moment.  You’re reminded that the fetus that is kicking you and pushing against your ribs and bladder will actually want to come out of your body and that this will require a bit of coordinated effort…

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Childbirth as Meditation: Experiencing Full Attention

Updated 2/18/20 Keep walking, though there is no place to get to. Don’t try to see through the distances. That’s not for human beings. Move within, But don’t move the way fear makes you move. —Rumi When you begin mindfulness meditation, spending 2 minutes of ‘just being’ is a noticeable struggle for most of us.…

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