The Science of Hormones in Labor and Postpartum

As hopeful, expectant, birthing and parenting people, all the uncertainty and unknown around conception, childbirth and the postpartum year can often feel overwhelming at times. To simplify some of the congestion, we can look to evidence based information to inform our choices. We can turn to findings from neurobiology and endocrinology, the study of our…

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Acupressure Points To Support Early Pregnancy

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Acupressure is an alternative therapy, part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to stimulate healing and relieve various ailments, including pain and discomfort during pregnancy. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider before trying any alternative therapies during pregnancy to ensure they are safe…

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“Expecting” and Beginner’s Mind

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” – Suzuki Roshi When you have a baby on the way, you inevitably put a fair amount of energy into planning, anticipating and preparing for what to ‘expect’.  We help families both become informed but also, encourage some confidence in all…

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Old and New/East and West

While scientists around the world are exploring the impacts of meditation via brain imaging techniques and measuring hormones and biochemical responses, the practices of yoga and meditation have been serving as perhaps the oldest science of psychology and wellbeing that we know of. Western psychology and its clinical application of psychotherapy is a very new…

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Nutrition for the Childbearing Year: Macronutrients, Micronutrients & Phytonutrients: All About Protein

ALL ABOUT PROTEIN Introduction: What our bodies need Our bodies require the macronutrients of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to function.  We also need vitamins and minerals, the ‘micronutrients’. We are also discovering there are more and more benefits from ‘phytonutrients’, or plant elements, that serve to clear our bodies of free radicals, protect tissues, and…

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A Guide to Optimal Wellness in the Childbearing Year

An introduction: Why you should stay tuned If you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, you are on an exciting journey! You are probably experiencing a range of emotions as you ask yourself, “What can I do to help ensure that all will be well with my baby and with me?” That’s a key…

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