The Science of Hormones in Labor and Postpartum

As hopeful, expectant, birthing and parenting people, all the uncertainty and unknown around conception, childbirth and the postpartum year can often feel overwhelming at times. To simplify some of the congestion, we can look to evidence based information to inform our choices. We can turn to findings from neurobiology and endocrinology, the study of our…

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You are Not Alone: Doula-ing you Through the Mental Load

Many of us mothering people sense the mental complexities of this special time. In so many ways,  as we embark on the metamorphosis of becoming a parent, it’s the messy becoming ‘undone’ that takes center stage.  This week, we in the Birthways community shine a light on the importance of compassionately caring for our mental…

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Acupressure Points To Support Early Pregnancy

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Acupressure is an alternative therapy, part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to stimulate healing and relieve various ailments, including pain and discomfort during pregnancy. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider before trying any alternative therapies during pregnancy to ensure they are safe…

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Who should we worry about with COVID-19? It’s not our babies.

Who should we worry about? It’s not our babies. Coronavirus, also known as “SARS-CoV-2” is a viral pathogen that causes the respiratory infection “COVID-19” and it’s impacted hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. It has certain characteristics that are leading to its rapid spread and that lead us to take these precautions that have impacted…

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Babymoon Tour Guide

You’re on the edge of meeting your baby and want to get off to a great start! Planning your babymoon with awareness from our experienced ‘travel guides’ (aka postpartum experts, moms, doulas) can help you have a joyful beginning and fewer difficulties. “Plan for some jetlag” The postpartum time is at least leg 3 of…

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Soaring to new places: the extreme sport of childbirth preparation

Signing up for and arriving at your first childbirth preparation class is often a significant “this is really happening” moment.  You’re reminded that the fetus that is kicking you and pushing against your ribs and bladder will actually want to come out of your body and that this will require a bit of coordinated effort…

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Sleep in Pregnancy and Early Parenting

Are you hitting the couch at 6pm, too tired to get to the grocery store or to walk the dog?  For many women, pregnancy can bring a fatigue that is unlike anything they have experienced.  You feel so overwhelmingly tired and yet you can’t sleep. You are not alone; nearly 78% of women are plagued…

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