The Science of Hormones in Labor and Postpartum

As hopeful, expectant, birthing and parenting people, all the uncertainty and unknown around conception, childbirth and the postpartum year can often feel overwhelming at times. To simplify some of the congestion, we can look to evidence based information to inform our choices. We can turn to findings from neurobiology and endocrinology, the study of our…

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You are Not Alone: Doula-ing you Through the Mental Load

Many of us mothering people sense the mental complexities of this special time. In so many ways,  as we embark on the metamorphosis of becoming a parent, it’s the messy becoming ‘undone’ that takes center stage.  This week, we in the Birthways community shine a light on the importance of compassionately caring for our mental…

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8 Benefits of Hiring a Postpartum Doula, Night Nurse, or Night Nanny

8 Reasons to Hire a Night Nurse from Birthways Doula Services in Chicago

So, what is a night nurse anyway? We get asked this a lot! “Newborn nanny” or “baby nurse” or “night nurse” or “newborn care specialist “refers to a childcare provider who specializes in caring for newborns. They may or may not have any medical training, maternal/child health training or certification, so it’s always a good…

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Beyond the Baby Blues: 6 Evidence-Based Strategies to Support Emotional Health After Baby is Born

Learn evidence-based strategies for coping with the Baby Blues, from Birthways Doula Services in Chicago

“Baby Blues” impacts an estimated 70-80% of new mothers and is characterized by mood swings, tearfulness, and feelings of overwhelm. However, they are not pervasive or severe. In the immediate postpartum time, the transient low generally follows the normal ‘high’ and it passes within a matter of days. These symptoms resolve within two weeks of giving…

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What to Expect in the First Hour After Having a Baby

What to expect in the first hour after baby's born, from Birthways in Chicago

Knowing what to expect in the first hour after having a baby can help smooth your transition from “pregnant” to “new mom.” There aren’t many moments in life that can compare to the first moments after baby arrives. Emotions can be high, the room can fill with activity, and parents and baby start exploring the…

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Sleep, Mama, Sleep: Understanding Postpartum Insomnia

My daughter was born after a labor that had some twists and turns like most labors do.  She was born about 36 hours after my first organized contractions.  I was over the moon to meet my daughter!  I recall napping for maybe an hour or so after she was able to nurse for the first…

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Sleep in Pregnancy and Early Parenting

Are you hitting the couch at 6pm, too tired to get to the grocery store or to walk the dog?  For many women, pregnancy can bring a fatigue that is unlike anything they have experienced.  You feel so overwhelmingly tired and yet you can’t sleep. You are not alone; nearly 78% of women are plagued…

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Check your belly for Diastasis Recti (DRA)

Our bodies demonstrate profound resiliency in the childbearing year. After giving birth, your heart, lungs, circulatory system, uterus, endocrine system…everything, are coming back into balance. Your spinal alignment, pelvis, pelvic floor, and abdominal muscles also strengthen and realign after accommodating the growth of the uterus and your baby. For some women a stretching of the…

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