How do you feel a doula can support you? What are you looking for in a doula?* There are many established benefits to having labor support. Please share with us what is drawing you to exploring doula support.
What, if any, preferences or priorities may be forming for you around your birth experience?* Are your wishes in line with your partner?
Childbirth & Parenting Preparations* Have you taken or plan to take any classes on childbirth, parenting, breastfeeding, newborn care, etc? Are you reading any books on birth and/or parenting?
Health & Wellness* Please share anything you would like to about your health history that will assist us in matching you with a doula. Please also include anything about your current fitness/movement: prenatal exercise, yoga, meditation/mindfulness, walking, swimming, etc.
Is there anything else you can share about yourself and about your partner that would help us to make a great match?* Please share anything here that would impact the matchmaking process.
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